Tuesday Tunes: The 1930’s!

Tuesday Tunes

Tuesday Tunes


           The 1930’s!





The 1930’s was a time of celebration and hardship. Talking pictures were all the rage at the local theaters and radio became a household item where everyone could tune in to hear Orson Wells tell the American public of a pending alien invasion from War of the Worlds. The Depression sent many families into poverty and many businesses were closing up shop, but that didn’t stop America’s optimism and ingenious designers from opening the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge for the whole world to see. The 1930’s had its ups and downs throughout the decade but that didn’t stop people from dancing! Dances like the Foxtrot, Tap and the Waltz were becoming popular once again on the dance floor while others like the Jitterbug and Swing were just getting started!



A Dutch instructional film from 1930, demonstrating the ballroom Foxtrot of the time.


Keep Punchin Jitterbug Contest


Fred and Ginger – Waltz in Swing Time (Waltz, Tap and Swing all in one)

MFA Monday: Matthew Cumbie

MFA Mondays

MFA right



Happy Monday dear Framers!  I am excited to post this because I have so enjoyed reading Matthew Cumbie’s articles.  But it’s the third of his arc, so that’s a bummer.  But in the meantime, enjoy…


“Small Dances About Big Ideas,” and the importance of story telling*


So far, when writing these blog entries I’ve chosen to tackle topics that I’ve felt strongly about. I haven’t talked directly to my experiences in graduate school, or before or after, very much at all; a conscious choice of mine, most certainly. But in doing this I realize that I haven’t given much insight into who I am or what I do, merely glimpses; I haven’t shared my story, and frankly, I believe that everyone’s story matters. It’s this belief that shapes much of what I do today and has led me to where I am now. It’s also this belief that, for me, contextualizes the larger artistic questions that we as a community find ourselves asking and the research we do to explore those questions; in plain, within these personal stories lie universalities and shared experiences that ground what we know and how we come to know that.

My current story picks up in Washington, DC, where I am a Resident Artist and the Education Coordinator for Dance Exchange, an organization rich in history and rooted in the belief that everyone’s story matters and that everyone can and is encouraged to dance. The path taken to this fortuitous place has been one of much meandering, difficulty, and perseverance (and a bit of good fortune). Truly, until my time in graduate school I had a very small understanding of what the organization did and does still; then it was the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange and I distinctly remember at one point encouraging a peer of mine to audition but not really envisioning myself involved in such a process. After finishing my MFA, however, I decided to get to know the organization better and enrolled in their Summer Institute, a condensed amount of time in which participants work closely with the company learning about their collaborative process and tools and history while collectively making and sharing. I fell in love and almost immediately knew I had found a home, one in which I was enlivened and engaged in a way that I had been searching for.

While in graduate school, as I’m sure many can attest to, one must really be focused on the work that is happening. This is particularly important if the work you’re doing is challenging and valuable, as I think most work at the graduate level should be. For me, graduate school became everything. I felt challenged on all fronts and grew three dimensionally in a way that I had never before experienced and with such rapidity that at times it felt almost impossible to keep up. It was probably one of the most difficult and exciting points in my life. I cried a lot. I laughed a lot. And I learned more about myself and my craft than I could probably ever explain on paper. I lost a relationship, and at that point particularly, poured myself without abandon into my work. My dog Lucas served as my anchor at home and my friends and peers within my program kept me afloat. I don’t regret any of it, but as I exited that environment and found myself back in a world outside of academia I realized how disproportionate my life had become.

It was at this point that I began to want and need and work towards finding a way to compromise the distance I felt between my artistic self and my everyday self. I began to question the processes that I was engaged in, wondering why I was doing this work and of what value did it have for others besides myself. What good was I doing for anyone else but me? What did I value in both my art making and my life making that I could harness in a process and feel satisfied with? How could I participate in a rigorously full artistic process and a rigorously full life simultaneously? These questions felt important in lessening that gap. When I started my work with Dance Exchange at that Summer Institute, and subsequently on some residencies that I was invited to help facilitate, answers to some of these questions manifested themselves either in the work that was made or in the relationships that formed, and I have a feeling it has to do with the alignment of my values and the organizations’ values and in the way that this process and work asks me to bring my whole self regularly.

As I mentioned before, at Dance Exchange we believe that everyone’s story matters and that everyone can and is encouraged to dance. Because of this philosophy, and our constant questioning of who gets to dance, we are committed to making space for all to participate in the making of art; from trained professionals to unexpected movers and makers, criss crossing all disciplines and engaging any who are interested in questioning and creative research. It’s in this place of exchange of ideas and information that I feel my many selves, Matthew the artist/human, fully engaged and aware. It’s in this place, where 90 year old women and men move with teenagers and twenty something year olds as a way to know and relate, that I find resonance in what I do and how I do it. It’s in this place that I have found a bridge between my many selves and feel more able to work on lessening that gap between the artistic and everyday.

To take a more macroscopic view, I want to leave you with this. In my personal experience, and in talking with many, many peers, I have found that leading full artistic lives and full everyday lives to be sometimes difficult (one could also change the word ‘artistic’ to ‘any other career’). But both are important. An integral step in doing that is finding a process or group or company or school or ensemble that continually asks you to bring your whole self, your many beautiful selves, to the work. It’s in this exchange between your own ideas and interests and this exchange between you and others that richness can be found and that much can be learned. Sometimes this work is hard; that’s when the work can be the most rewarding and relevant.  One of my former graduate professors once spoke of her ‘pedagogy of discomfort,’ a term that I have come to love. Although probably different in meaning, I have found that when situations or experiences seem to be uncomfortably hard or trying, it’s through the perseverance and working through those that has proved to be the most illuminating.

There’s something in here related to my previous posts about value and pausing, and in the combination of these 3 writings that I think speaks to carving out sustainable lifestyles as people that are committed to processes that might sometimes be difficult, especially in regards to an increasingly connected, fast-paced, and ever changing world. I hope that, wherever you’re at on this journey, you have found some nugget of something worthwhile in this and that applies to your story and story telling. It’s these stories that we carry and share that make our work worthwhile, that allow us to better our art and our lives, that allow us to gather as a community and work towards our individual and shared goals. It’s these individual small dances that we make which contribute to our collective big ideas.


* “Small Dances About Big Ideas” is a work by Liz Lerman and the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange which premiered in 2005. It is not at all related to the topics discussed above other than the connection of Dance Exchange. 


Photo by Jori Ketten. Dance Exchange artists Matthew Cumbie, Sarah Levitt, and Shula Strassfeld (in order) in Cassie Meador's How To Lose a MountainMatthew Cumbie is a professional dance artist based in Washington, DC, and is currently a Resident Artist and the Education Coordinator for the Dance Exchange. As a company member with the Dance Exchange, he works with communities across the United States and abroad in collaborative art-making and creative research as a means to further develop our understanding of our selves and community in relation to the environment around us. He has also been a company member with Keith Thompson/danceTactics performance group, and has performed with Mark Dendy, the Von Howard Project, Sarah Gamblin, Jordan Fuchs, jhon stronks, Paloma McGregor, and Jill Sigman/thinkdance. His own work has been shown in New York, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, and at Harvard University. He has taught at Dance New Amsterdam, Texas Woman’s University, and Queensborough Community College. He holds an M.F.A. in dance from Texas Woman’s University.

Eat Well Wednesday: Fridge Dump

Eat Well Wednesday Uncategorized










A healthy body is built by healthy, whole, unprocessed foods.  If you want to eat well you need to have good, nutritious foods readily available.

Since your pantry and fridge are the base for your healthy meals, that is where we will start.

Here is a picture of our fridge, prepped and ready to go for the week and stuffed with vibrant colors and fresh, whole foods.

We eat most of our meals at home, in fact, we rarely eat out.  So yes, we really do eat ALL of this food. By the end of the week, this fridge will be almost empty.


Remove these foods from your fridge

  • Conventional milk/dairy/butter
  • Processed Cheese
  • Artificial flavored and sweetened yogurt (Yoplait)
  • Juice
  • Soda
  • Packaged deli meats
  • Conventional eggs
  • Frozen dinners


Fill Your Fridge

  • Vegetables (the more color the better!)
  • Fruits
  • Organic, hormone free, vegetarian fed chicken
  • Organic, Omega 3 enhanced eggs
  • Organic, grass fed beef
  • Almond milk/Hemp milk
  • Organic milk
  • Organic cheese
  • Greek yogurt (Plain 0% or 2%)
  • Low sodium deli meats
  • Frozen veggies
  • Frozen fruits


Look for these brands of foods at the store, they are usually well balanced and provide healthier options.

  • Chobani
  • Nature’s Gate
  • Kashi
  • Earth Balance
  • Almond Breeze/Blue Diamond
  • Applegate


How can you change the foods in your fridge to support a more healthy and balanced lifestyle?


Leave a comment below and let us know.  Be Well.


0-1Jill Tarpey is leading us Wednesday by Wednesday into making better food choices and being more healthful. Tune in every Wednesday to get some great recipes and advice from someone who really knows health. In an effort to fuel her passion to serve as well has enhance the lives of others through their nutritional choices, she started Eat Well SA(San Antonio). Her vision is to educate you on how to incorporate a healthy array of foods into your life. Eat Well is not a diet, nor does it embrace any one specific dietary agenda. She also offers customized programs that are educational and teach you the tools you need to maintain healthy, well balanced eating for your busy lives.

Tuesday Tunes: The Roaring Twenties!

Tuesday Tunes

Tuesday Tunes


 For the next few of weeks, Tuesday Tunes will be spotlighting famous dance crazes throughout the decades!


         This Tuesday Tunes celebrates the…





The spirit of the 1920’s was marked with a disdain for modesty and the breaking of traditions which brought the sensations of jazz music and the ideology and fashion of the flappers. The Roaring Twenties, also know as the Golden Twenties, was a time of raised skirts, bobbed hair  and exciting parties filled with fun cocktails and wild dances. Dances like the Charleston, Black Bottom, the Shimmy (which was actually banned in certain areas)and many others took the world by storm and dancing to a whole new level. 



The Charleston, the Shimmy and the Lindy Hop


Black Bottom 1926, and The Black Bottom Dance


1920’s – Quickstep Vs Charleston

MFA Monday: Matthew Cumbie

MFA Mondays

MFA right



“During the pause is the ideal time to listen…”


Time is a funny thing. When you want more of it, it doesn’t seem to exist. When you’re anticipating something coming or going, you really wish that time would fly by. At least that’s been my experience. You see, I’m a planner, as I’m sure many of us are. How can you not be when you’re a working artist? Between scheduling rehearsals, performances, application deadlines, auditions, teaching gigs, meals, and maybe (just maybe) some personal time- one sometimes has to be quite diligent about putting things down somewhere. I find that when I do put those things down, though, often my mind will wander away into future- or past-ness. In rehearsals this last week, in every down minute that I had I realized that I was thinking to the weeks ahead, going over schedules to make sure that I hadn’t missed anything or adding new things to a growing To Do list to accomplish who knows when. Even this morning over breakfast, I was trolling through photos on my phone, going over where I had been and what I had done and missing people, places, and specific times in my life. The funny thing about time and all of this, though, is that in missing or not missing things both past and present I am missing what’s happening right now. Right in front of my face. Literally. My dog is asleep on one of his beds under a side table (a favorite spot of his), my coffee grows cold, and a slightly overcast DC gets a bit sunnier outside.

As a mover and improviser, being present in the moment is something of a goal of mine. For me, being present means being aware and responsive to the temporal moment, tracking your internal choice making and external stimuli simultaneously. It’s of such interest that it even had an entire section of research devoted to it in my professional paper for my MFA. I bring this up because I realize how much of a slippery slope getting caught up in planning and reflecting can be, and how important it is to ground oneself in the now as much as we can. It is in these moments that I feel as if time expands and I can really do so much with what time I have, relieving stress and allowing me to appreciate what I have and what is presented to me.

Now how do we go about attuning ourselves to the now? Really I believe that this is a personal process, one that we develop with repetition and over time. In my practice, it’s about finding a pause or interruption. When improvising and moving from one score to another, a certain kind of momentum builds that is either physically manifested in the body or an internal momentum of choice making in which choices are made before they are fully realized, or both. As soon as I acknowledge that I’ve been riding this dizzying wave of momentum and that I might not be tracking or seeing certain possibilities, I quickly search for a pause or interruption so that I might re-engage in the now and gather a new sort of clarity. Applying this same process to our daily lives, as soon as I realize that I’m stressing about what is going to happen next week or when I’ll be able to take a day off, or if I’m reminiscing about the ‘good ol’ days’ and missing my friends from Texas terribly, I similarly try to find a way to pause or interrupt that process so that I can be more fully present in the moment.

In doing so, I’m better able to notice vibrant colors, textures, make connections that are more meaningful and authentic with others, and better appreciate myself and my potential (to name a few). I realize that maintaining this kind of perception, this responsive sense of seeing and experiencing, can be difficult. And all of this is not to say that we shouldn’t think ahead or look back, as both are wonderful reminders or where we’ve been and where we’re headed. But I firmly believe that if we take the time to pause or interrupt ourselves more frequently, that we’ll better be able to consciously craft our selves and track a more rich and meaningful path.

So for the sake of brevity, and to practice rather than preach, I’m going to bring this to a close. I don’t want to toil over what to write or whether or not this or that thing said will be a more relevant nugget of whatever; I want to cling to my belief that within each of us, our bodies and stories, lives wisdom that we all might draw upon and that by attuning to the temporal moment we might more readily access that. There is so much activity happening right now; the air is buzzing. Harness that energy and do something. In fact, if anything, I encourage you to always do something.

Go make something. Go see something. Go talk about something with someone. Find a way to disrupt your everyday so that you might appreciate the beauty and vitality of that moment.



Photo by Jori Ketten. Dance Exchange artists Matthew Cumbie, Sarah Levitt, and Shula Strassfeld (in order) in Cassie Meador's How To Lose a MountainMatthew Cumbie is a professional dance artist based in Washington, DC, and is currently a Resident Artist and the Education Coordinator for the Dance Exchange. As a company member with the Dance Exchange, he works with communities across the United States and abroad in collaborative art-making and creative research as a means to further develop our understanding of our selves and community in relation to the environment around us. He has also been a company member with Keith Thompson/danceTactics performance group, and has performed with Mark Dendy, the Von Howard Project, Sarah Gamblin, Jordan Fuchs, jhon stronks, Paloma McGregor, and Jill Sigman/thinkdance. His own work has been shown in New York, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, and at Harvard University. He has taught at Dance New Amsterdam, Texas Woman’s University, and Queensborough Community College. He holds an M.F.A. in dance from Texas Woman’s University.

Eat Well Wednesday: What is Chronic Inflammation?

Eat Well Wednesday Uncategorized









Hello Frame Production Readers!


Let’s right down to business…Inflammation.  You might have an idea of what Inflammation is, perhaps it is the swelling that occurs when you twist your ankle or cut your finger.  While this is true, your bodies responses to injury is inflammation, it helps heal the body as white blood cells work hard to repair the tissue.  Without inflammation our bodies would not heal. So in those circumstances it is OK. However, lets talk about inflammation in a different sense.



Chronic Inflammation


Chronic Inflammation is the type of inflammation that reeks havoc on our bodies and over time lead to cancer, asthma, allergies, osteoporosis, irritable bowl syndrome, autoimmune diseases and so much more.

For many people suffering from these diseases, they take pills to keep their symptoms at bay.  In a sense it is a giant bandaid to a larger, more serious problem. Chronic Inflammation.

So, what causes Chronic Inflammation?

  • The foods we eat (too many processed foods, sodas and other sugary drinks, saturated fats, poor quality protein sources)
  • Stress
  • Exhaustion/lack of sleep
  • Food Allergies
  • Bacteria (gut issues)


How can we prevent/cure Chronic Inflammation?

Incorporate more plants into your diet. Eat your greens and a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits. The vitamins, minerals and alkalizing properties of greens will help your body balance out your bodies PH and keep you in a more balanced state.

Get rest.  Don’t skimp on sleep.  When we are sleeping our bodies are working hard to repair and replenish, so rest is just as important as activity and movement.
Identify food allergies.  The foods we eat effect our bodies.  If you are lactose intolerant yet always consume dairy products, you are not honoring your body.  You can be causing serious damage to your gut, causing inflammation and irritation.  Both of which are no good.  Same things goes for gluten.  If you find that your body is bloated, gassy, and uncomfortable after having a bowl of pasta, pay attention to what your body is telling you.  You might have a gluten sensitivity and I would suggest you try adding gluten free products to your diet.

Cut back on stress.  Stress causing the release of cortisol, an inflammation producing hormone.  When we learn to keep stress at bay our bodies have an opportunity to stay in a more neutral, balanced state.  Try a Yoga class, practicing deep breathing, find an activity that brings you peace and practice it ever day.

All in all, avoid the processed food.


Eat Greens. Veggies. Fruits. Nuts. Seeds. REAL FOOD.

Your body will thank you!! 

Eat Well. Live Well. Be Well.


0-1Jill Wentworth is leading us Wednesday by Wednesday into making better food choices and being more healthful. Tune in every Wednesday to get some great recipes and advice from someone who really knows health. In an effort to fuel her passion to serve as well has enhance the lives of others through their nutritional choices, she started Eat Well SA(San Antonio). Her vision is to educate you on how to incorporate a healthy array of foods into your life. Eat Well is not a diet, nor does it embrace any one specific dietary agenda. She also offers customized programs that are educational and teach you the tools you need to maintain healthy, well balanced eating for your busy lives.


Tuesday Tunes: Buddy Ebson

Tuesday Tunes

Tuesday Tunes


Before he was Jed Clampett…


         Buddy Ebson


You get more negative reactions than positive reactions as you go through life, and the big lesson is nobody counts you out but yourself…I never have, I never will.


Buddy Ebsen began his career as a dancer in the late 1920s in a Broadway chorus. He later formed a vaudeville act with his sister Vilma Ebsen, which also appeared on Broadway. In 1935 he and his sister went to Hollywood, where they were signed for the first of MGM’s Eleanor Powell movies, Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935). While Vilma retired from stage and screen shortly after this, Buddy starred in two further MGM movies with Powell. Two of his dancing partners were Frances Langford in Born to Dance (1936) and Judy Garland in Broadway Melody of 1938 (1937). They were a little bit taller than Shirley Temple, with whom he danced in Captain January (1936). MGM studio chief Louis B. Mayer offered him an exclusive contract in 1938, but Ebsen turned it down. In spite of Mayer’s warning that he would never get a job in Hollywood again, he was offered the role of the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz (1939). Ebsen agreed to change roles with Ray Bolger, who was cast as the Tin Man. Ebsen subsequently became ill from the aluminum make-up, however, and was replaced by Jack Haley. He returned to the stage, making only a few pictures before he got a role in the Disney production of Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (1955). After this, he became a straight actor, and later won more fame in his own hit series, The Beverly Hillbillies (1962) and Barnaby Jones (1973).


BROADWAY MELODY OF 1936 (Buddy & his sister Vilma)


 Buddy Ebsen dancing 1978


Donald O’Connor and Buddy Ebsen (a RARE clip)



Fun Facts about Mr. Buddy Ebson


Got the nickname ‘Buddy’ from his aunt, so Christian changed his name to Buddy Ebsen.

Was a Boy Scout.

In the 1930s, Disney animators filmed him dancing in front of a grid to “choreograph”Wayne Allwine’s dance steps for the Silly Symphony cartoons.

Originally cast as the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz (1939), Buddy was hospitalized as a result of inhaling aluminum powder used as part of his make-up. One chorus of “We’re Off to See the Wizard” in the movie and soundtrack album retain Ebsen’s original vocals as the Tin Man, recorded before he was forced to leave the production. Because of the prolonged hospitalization, he was replaced by Jack Haley (whose reformulated make-up used pre-mixed aluminium dust), and Ebsen’s scenes were re-shot using Haley. Footage of Ebsen as the Tin Man still exists, and was included as an extra with the U.S. 50th anniversary video release of The Wizard of Oz (1939).

After seeing Ebsen in Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), the creator of The Beverly Hillbillies (1962) wanted him to play family patriarch Jed Clampett. At the time, Ebsen was thinking of retiring, but the producers sent him a copy of the script, and he changed his mind.

Began his television series The Beverly Hillbillies (1962) at age 54.

Taught Judy Garland the shim-sham shimmy while they were at MGM.

Was a longtime friend of Dick Van Dyke, who hosted his memorial service on 30 August 2003.

He served in the Coast Guard during World War II as the executive officer on the Pocatello, a submarine chaser in the North Pacific.

Became a bestselling author at age 93.

Buddy Ebsen died on July 6, 2003. Just 3 weeks after his death, his longtime best friend, comedian Bob Hope, passed away.

Buddy Ebsen died just three months before his death, he celebrated his 95th birthday, on April 2.



MFA Monday: Why I despise the word ‘passion…

MFA Mondays

MFA right

And this is why I despise the word ‘passion,’ or Establishing our own value

by Matthew Cumbie



How much is my career am I worth? How much is my art work worth? When is it ok for me to ask for expect compensation for my services?

These are questions that I struggle with almost daily. And I’m willing to wager my small salary that many of you struggle with these same, or similar, questions at various points in your artistic career. Why is that? What is the cause for this dilemma? And when did it become O.K. to divert our attention from addressing these questions by saying, “Oh, you do it because you love it”?

Before I go any further, I want to say that I feel very, very fortunate for my current situation and for those experiences and situations that have led me to where I am. I realize that few opportunities to do what I do exist, and to get paid to do those things is sometimes unreal. And I love what I do. But I don’t ever recall this to be a reason that we not pay someone for their work. Returning to our questions above, the reasons could by many: too little funding, it’s a great experience, I don’t have a budget, and many others that we could compile over a few glasses of wine I’m sure. And while these all might be true and very valid, I would like to throw one (or two, depending on how you look at it) more in the mix that I find often unacknowledged: you and me.

That’s right. We are sometimes the cause of our own problems, especially in this situation. I say this because we, as performers and makers and teachers, perpetuate this problem of not paying artists when we participate in this cycle. We do it because we have no other option. We do it because we want to be involved in this love affair at whatever the cost. We do it because we know that if we don’t, someone else will…and for free. We do it because we want that, that right there, on our CV. You know, so when we decide that we’re marketable or valuable we’ll have more artistic weight to throw around. And that’s the magic button- we decide.

This is where the water gets murky, though. When do we put our collective foot down and say enough is enough, and that I have bills to pay too? I recently had a discussion with a good friend from my undergraduate years regarding this issue of paying dancers. Following school, we pursued very different paths; both still involved in the field but in different professional capacities. I say this only to illustrate that we are coming from different vantage points. Anyways, our debate came down to a discussion about experience and caused me to reflect on my own participation in this unspoken poor person’s treatise. Prior to and throughout graduate school, I viewed getting paid to dance as an added bonus. I was there for the experience, and felt quite uncomfortable addressing the compensation side of things. Almost afraid to bring up the subject, really. As if some omniscient fairy would one day fly down, take all that money (which was not a lot) that I had earned from various dance gigs, and bop me on the nose for being silly enough to think that I could make a living doing something that I enjoyed so much. Looking back, I’m not sure that I thought much about the fact that I had to work a number of other jobs to carve out a sustainable life; some of that might have had to do with my age and some with the place in which I was living (a much, much lower cost of living than where I’ve been post graduate school).

Immediately following graduate school, I moved to New York City for the second time (the first was brief and I was young- another story for another time). Surely, I thought, here would be a progressive community of like minded professionals who all valued dance the same as I and wanted to acknowledge and celebrate our abilities as professional artists by paying each other accordingly. Wrong. Instead I found myself having to work a number of projects simultaneously, as well as work a few other odd jobs to pay my rent…and loans. What ended up happening in this time period, interestingly, was probably more valuable than actually being paid enough to make a living; I finally started to look at how I was allocating my time and my work and began to curate what opportunities interested me the most, looking at what kinds of experiences I would be invested in and what kind of investment this artist was making in me. All of the artists I found myself working with at some point verbally acknowledged that the amount we were receiving was nowhere near what it should have been or what they would like it to be, and I appreciated the dialogue and knowing that they were making efforts to help us create a sustainable life. I appreciated the external validation that I was valuable in the same way that I saw myself as valuable.

More recently, my friend and fellow Dance Exchange artist Sarah Levitt and I were attending an arts conference about sustaining and growing the arts. When discussing how our various organizations might do more for less, it was suggested that we all hire interns because, “they don’t need to be paid.” Both Sarah and I, having had many conversations privately about paying artists/people what they are worth, were aghast. While I realize that internships provide excellent opportunities, and many of these opportunities are unpaid, the manner in which this comment was so brazenly delivered had me seriously questioning at what point do we deem someone valuable enough? Is there a transition point when we go from being unvaluable to valuable? Does it hurt? I mean, interns are people too. Somewhat related, Sarah and I have talked about a ‘new model’ for the arts, something we’ve both heard from various sources. As a working artist, the proposed new way to do your work is to get a full time job doing something else and to do your art on the side. Why? What does that say about how we value our work then? Not that I think it’s a bad model, but I believe that we all should be able to create our own models for working and sustaining ourselves. If I want to make a living by creating art, then I should be able to do that and know that it’s my responsibility to be able to communicate why this art is valuable to a larger audience.

The whole point of this blog is not to answer any questions really. It’s to ask more questions. Why is the system like this? What are we educating and telling the future dance makers and artists out there? That there are prescribed ways of working? Of valuing? Of navigating this diverse and rich field? I hope not. If we’re ever going to challenge our old ways of doing and thinking, we need to start talking about it. I think that making the decision to be valuable is up to each individual, and to weight that against whatever the experience might be and whatever the compensation might (or might not) be. You are of value, rich with history and talent and ideas. I’d like to think that through this conversation and acknowledgement of who we are and how what we do is worth something, that perhaps we can start to change the system. Perhaps we can up the ante and help create, find, or inspire those funding sources. Maybe we can encourage more artists to think about how they’re working with others and compensating them for their time. Hopefully we can challenge this popular, romantic belief that we are only in this because we love it, that our passion for dancing is what gets us through. Hopefully.

And that is why I despise the word ‘passion.’



Matthew Cumbie is a professional dance artist based in Washington, DC, and is currently a Resident Artist and the Education Coordinator for the Dance Exchange. As a company member with the Dance Exchange, he works with communities across the United States and abroad in collaborative art-making and creative research as a means to further develop our understanding of our selves and community in relation to the environment around us. He has also been a company member with Keith Thompson/danceTactics performance group, and has performed with Mark Dendy, the Von Howard Project, Sarah Gamblin, Jordan Fuchs, jhon stronks, Paloma McGregor, and Jill Sigman/thinkdance. His own work has been shown in New York, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, and at Harvard University. He has taught at Dance New Amsterdam, Texas Woman’s University, and Queensborough Community College. He holds an M.F.A. in dance from Texas Woman’s University.



Free Events Thursday

Free Events Thursday

It’s that time again…Free Events Thursday!!!


Wine Wednesdays and Ladies Night Thursdays

Every Wednesday, Thursday (All day Wednesday and 5:30- 10:00 Thursday)

Latin Bites Cafe

5709 Woodway Drive, Houston, TX 77057

Wind down in the middle of the week and enjoy 50% off wine bottles all day Wednesday at Latin Bites. Pair any wine from Latin Bites’ extensive cellar to compliment a lunch or dinner dish to enjoy a well rounded Peruvian meal. From 11 to close, Latin Bites Peruvian inspired dishes such as their Quinoa Salad or Arroz Con Pato, a Latin take on duck confit, would pair nicely with any white or red wine of a diner’s choosing. In celebration of the highly anticipated weekend, Ladies Night will be every Thursday at Latin Bites. From 5:30pm until 10:00pm, women of Houston can enjoy 50% off all cocktails and 15% off appetizers. Mingle with friends while sipping on a Mangotini, a sweet mango martini made with Pisco, Peru’s native spirit, and snack on appetizers perfect for sharing. Choose from Latin Bites famous empanadas or award-winning causitas; with so many options it would be near impossible to choose only one!

Price: FREE!!!



April 11, 2014 – April 12, 2014 at  8 pm

Wortham Theater Center

500 Texas Ave., Houston, TX 77002

Join MET Dance at #womenfordance as they celebrate the female dance maker. Two nights only, this program will premiere works by Kiki Lucas and Andrea Dawn Shelley as well as recent repertory additions by Sidra Bell, Lauren Edson and Kate Skarpetowska. The introspective program connects the strength, emotion and humanity of the feminine manifest. Embark on the emotional journey to validation and mark-making. Guest artists from Island Moving Company join MET Dance in a high-octane, thunderous evening that is not to be missed!

Price:  $15-$45


Boy Scout Fair

April 12, 2014

Reliant Park  Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Scouts from 16 countries will unite in one place to showcase their Scouting skills. Meet leaders and Scouts from your neighborhood. Sample the amazing dutch oven creations and delicacies in the outdoor cooking area. Visit the midway with over 60 experts representing merit badges. Watch demonstrations, interact with participating booths from our community partners…pick up free offers.

 Price: FREE!!!


Book Signing: Lisa Scottoline’s Keep Quiet

April 14, 2014 at  6:30 PM

Murder By the Book

2342 Bissonnet Street, Houston, TX 77005

Description: Lisa Scottoline is a 20 time New York Times best-selling and an Edgar award-winning author with over 20 novels (in 20 years) under her belt, including her latest novel KEEP QUIET. Her stories have been translated into 25 different languages and her wildly popular, non-fiction column, “Chick Wit,” appears in The Philadelphia Inquirer. Lisa delivers once again with Keep Quiet, an emotionally gripping and morally complex story about one father’s decision to protect his son — and the devastating consequences that follow. Powerful and dramatic, Keep Quiet will have readers and book clubs debating what it means to be a parent and how far you can, and should, go to protect those you love.

Price: FREE!!!


Asia Society Presents: Melody, Harmony, and Melharmony

April 12, 2014 at 6:00pm

Asia Society Texas Center

Melharmony is an award-winning concept pioneered by Chitravina N. Ravikiran during his collaboration with artists of the BBC Philharmonic. As the name suggests, Melharmony aims to create a synergy between diverse melodic concepts not common in the west and vertical harmonic dimensions that are unusual in many systems in the east, such as Indian classical music. As part of Classical Arts Society of Houston’s 2014 Spring Festival, this vibrant and cultural musical presentation explores western classical music and music from north and south India. Spotlight instruments include chitravina (fretless Indian lute), modified western mandolin, and percussion (mridangam and tabla). Jugalbandhi Concert: 6:00 pm Chitravina N. Ravikiran, Snehasish Mozumder, Rohan Krishnamurthy, and Gouri Shankar Karmakar The concert is a ticketed event.

Price: $10 Members, $15 Nonmembers.


Bubblegum Yum Video Jukebox Love Party

April 11, 2014  Doors at 6, Show is 7

Orange Show Monument
2402 Munger St, Houston, TX 77023

Local artist and DJ Stephanie Saint Sanchez will present a salute to 60’s bubblegum music and the lovey dovey groovy feelings they inspire. This is a curated short film showcase with assorted local filmmakers doing their own take on love in the style of this genre. Each film will last from 3-8 minutes, and during the evening there will be bubblegum blowing contests, crowning of the bubblegum King or Queen, music and dancing plus a special live performance by The Janets. Come ready to groove all night long and see some incredible short films by a variety of local artists Sponsored by Saint Arnold Brewing Company.

Price: $15 pre sale and $20 door