Rockbridge Artist Exchange
T minus ten days until I leave for Lexington, VA to begin my three weeks creating work, performing and teaching through the Rockbridge Artist Exchange.
I will use this blog track and discuss my process of developing material for the next year for Frame Dance. We have some exciting things on the horizon–but I am not at liberty to discuss them just yet…so hang tight. I am anxious to divulge and will do so as soon as I can.
In 2008 I was was Visiting Artist at Halestone Dance Studio, teaching, performing and choreographing for the students and the Community Dance Connection Theatre. I returned later that year to perform in the 30th anniversary of Halestone at Lime Kiln Theater.
For those of you who say, “Lexington…Kentucky?” No. Lexington, Virginia. Ever heard of Natural Bridge?
Or Washington&Lee University? or Union General David Hunter who led a raid on Virginia Military Institute during the Civil War? Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are buried in Lexington. It is also the site of Stonewall Jackson’s only house. It’s rooted in history and one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. I invite you on my journey…