CAST MEMBER: Donna Meadows

Last week’s session began with a brief sit down chat with Lydia outlining where the process currently stands and where it’s headed. Next came our usual warm-up, then on to a review of what we’ve been steadily working on, i.e. our own words morphed into motion. After we took some time to run through our words and movement individually Lydia began to sort us into different groups.
This has been one of the most enjoyable parts of this project – the opportunity to work and create with everyone in the group. Personally, I’ve much enjoyed getting to know and spark off the fun and interesting people in this group. Unfortunately due to my poor hearing and the not so good acoustics in the studio I’m often at a loss as to what it is we’re supposed to be doing. So I hang back and watch a bit to catch on. This also gives me the chance to see how enthused everyone is about what they’re doing and pretty quickly I join in. It’s impossible not to! Lydia creates such a warm and positive atmosphere everyone just relaxes and creates. It’s very rewarding to watch each other’s efforts and to see the progress being made. Each session the time flies by. The only downer of the project is the overhead announcement calling an end to our time in the studio. A universal groan goes up, we all wind down, slowly meander down the stairs, and exit into the warmth of a Houston summer evening.

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Lydia Hance is a recipient of an Individual Artist Grant Award. This grant is funded by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance. Frame Dance Productions’ Framing Bodies is funded in part by the Puffin Foundation. Frame Dance Productions is a recipient of a Rice University Dance Program Space Grant.