SpeakEASY discussion

I’m working on questions, ideas, concepts that have intrigued me about this dance response scenario I am creating in this week’s SpeakEASY.  I thought I would be dividing the group into two sections, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that there needs to be a third group.  For a while, I was thinking the third group would be a post-dance response group that would also be following of the comments/discussion held by the real-time responders.  But I think that may just muddle the dialogue.  The third group I am going to have will be people who do not wish to engage in response/dialogue about the work.  Those who prefer to be observers and audiences without the expectation to participate.  I’ll admit, sometimes I do feel like being in that category as an audience member.  Ok. Honestly? …I usually have quite a few thoughts going on about work when I see it and have an unending desire to engage, but sometimes I do feel like being in that third group.  Respect.

The third group will, of course, be involved in the discussion about the concept of this type of dialogue if they wish, but won’t participate in the dialogue specific to the work we show.  (If they don’t want to).  This is all about audience responses shaping this piece as it is very, very early in its conception.  So it’s all welcome.  If that’s confusing, here’s a bit of a flow to the presentation:  after we show the work, we will have time for the post-dance responses and then we will journey into the discussion about how the responses differ from group to group, and how this effects artist/audiences/dancers/technology.  I know that’s vague…I can’t give away all my mojo!


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