CAST MEMBER: Cassie Frankiewicz


We had our first rehearsal last week for Framing Bodies.  It was very fun and exciting to start the process of making this piece.  One of the first assignments we had, was to write continuously for about 10 minutes in response to the statement “Love, I felt it when.”  I agree with Lydia’s process to think and then move.  I know it helped me develop a sense of self for this piece and feel more comfortable, while working with others that have another point of view about love and dance.  I am not a dancer, but love dance and I enjoyed the task of having to create movement from my own literature.  The more you are open and giving during this process the more you will gain and learn about others and  yourself.  I met some very lovely people, and I am really looking forward to how we develop this piece.  Can’t wait for next rehearsal to see what Lydia will have us do.


Framing Bodies: LOVE ME premieres Oct. 14, 15 at Spacetaker.

Lydia Hance is a recipient of an Individual Artist Grant Award. This grant is funded by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.  Frame Dance Productions’ Framing Bodies is  funded in part by the Puffin Foundation.  Frame Dance Productions is a recipient of a Rice University Dance Program Space Grant.