A question for you


The review got me thinking about the question I asked in the last post. This is clearly not a flawlessly written question. I hope that it’s generally clear what I’m asking, and I’d love to get your response. It’s a little tongue-in-cheek, but for blunt and choppy discourse, I figure it might give me a little insight. I’ll share the responses at the end of the week.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

Houston Press review of Framed! at the Photobooth


Thank you Art Attack for coming to our show on Friday! Here is the review from the Houston Press. Ahhh, the feeling of being perplexed. Do you like it? Do you avoid it? To be honest, as the director, I am currently perplexed with the piece myself. And that’s because I’m still making the work. In fact, I’m in the very beginning stage– my favorite stage. Neil Ellis Orts, who you might remember from Framing Bodies: LOVE ME, wrote this, “I smile at the perplexed response of the writer. what perplexes her about modern dance is what excites me . . .” What excites me is being perplexed by the piece I’m making. I admit that it’s a different thing for an audience member.

As an audience member of any art work, are you searching for something to define? Something to understand and grasp? Or do you squish around in the bizarre, non-linear, and relish and unknown?

I’d love to know. Maybe I’ll set up a little survey and we can bubble our answers.